Healthy Spirit – Chanukah 5783

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With each candle of the Chanukah menorah, we illuminate the darkness of the world around us. Winter’s long nights and early sunsets mean lots of darkness, which can negatively affect mood and energy levels. Read on to find out ways to bring some extra light and energy into your winter days.

1. Maintain social relationships to keep your spirits up. Get together with family and friends, or simply make time for phone calls with loved ones to avoid the loneliness more common during the winter months.

2. Consider a vitamin D supplement during the winter months in consultation with your physician. Most people don’t get enough vitamin D and it is an important vitamin for your mood and energy levels.

3. Try to get some outdoor exercise during the daylight hours. Not only will you get a boost of energy, but you will get necessary vitamin D exposure as well.

4. Plan outings whenever possible to enjoy the outdoors during milder winter days.

5. A healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables helps improve your mood and your immune system, making for a healthier winter.

6. Taking a short vacation, if your budget allows it, is a great way to improve your mood and energy – especially if you can get away to a warm climate!

7. Those that find the winter darkness especially difficult may want to invest in a vitamin D lightbulb for their home.

8. Avoid alcohol consumption as much as possible. Alcohol is a depressant so it will contribute to feelings of low mood.